Stories from the Field

Proactive expansion of mineral traceability in Shabunda

Proactive expansion of mineral traceability in Shabunda

In 2016, the ITSCI programme was implemented at five mine sites in in Shabunda, South Kivu, DRC. A local multi-stakeholder committee, or CLS, was set up and trained. Members began holding monthly meetings to discuss and monitor activities and review and mitigate risks...

Understanding ITSCI and RMB’S role in traceability

Understanding ITSCI and RMB’S role in traceability

In order to ensure that all stakeholders within the mineral supply chain adhere to ITSCI traceability and due diligence procedures, ITSCI/Pact staff work in collaboration with Rwandan government staff, namely the Rwanda Mines, Petroleum & Gas Board (RMB) and their...

OHS aids in production increases at Motongo Mine site

OHS aids in production increases at Motongo Mine site

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), are often not considered by miners. Besides dire consequences such as injury or death, accidents at mines can have negative social and psychological implications as well as economic consequences when mining activities become...

ITSCI support halts illegal taxation and conflict from mine

ITSCI support halts illegal taxation and conflict from mine

Since the implementation of ITSCI at the Kalay Boeing mine site in the Walikale Territory, of the North Kivu Province, DRC, miners were able to sell to the international market, becoming a critical livelihood provider for the local community. However, in January 2017,...

ITSCI brings conflict free status and trade to Kasese mine

ITSCI brings conflict free status and trade to Kasese mine

In 2015, conflict broke out between two cooperatives at the Kasese mine, which led to the death of two people and the involvement of the Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo (FARDC) (Armed forces of DRC) to control and secure the mine site favoured...

New Burundi mining regulation stimulates investment

New Burundi mining regulation stimulates investment

Through collaboration and feedback from PACT and its partners, the Government of Burundi was able to identify and revise issues created by previous policies that hindered mining production and devise new mining regulations. Subsequent to these new regulations, the 3T...

Rwanda government improving inspection and controls

Rwanda government improving inspection and controls

Since the start of the iTSCi Programme across Rwanda in 2010, we have worked closely with government staff of the Rwanda Mines Board (RMB) to ensure tracea-bility and due diligence is in place for all 3T minerals exported from the country. Traceability relies on RMB...

Whistleblowing addresses supply chain risks

Whistleblowing addresses supply chain risks

Each month, our on-the-ground teams make hundreds of visits to mining areas, transport routes and mineral processing facilities in order to record potential issues with the 3T mineral supply chain which can then be further verified and highlighted to all stakeholders...

Local stakeholders help fight mineral fraud

Local stakeholders help fight mineral fraud

Before the iTSCi traceability and due diligence programme was implemented in Shabunda territory, lack of control and monitoring had allowed widespread min-eral fraud, bribery, and other illegal activities to go unreported and unchecked. However, with the scaling-up of...

Mineral revenues bring light to save lives

Mineral revenues bring light to save lives

Walikale territory, in the province of North Kivu, has long been known as an im-portant source of cassiterite from the DRC although it has in the past been associ-ated with high profile conflict issues. The province suffered from a de-facto embar-go from 2011 until...

Infrastructure challenges mining in Maniema

Infrastructure challenges mining in Maniema

In Maniema province, mining activities are at the heart of the economy, providing livelihoods for thousands of miners and their families. Since iTSCi began there in 2012, more than 6,700 tonnes of minerals have been exported, with recent monthly production in Maniema...

Reducing risk of tag fraud by new procedures

Reducing risk of tag fraud by new procedures

The iTSCi traceability and due diligence programme was first implemented in Masisi in North Kivu during 2014, scaling up in the Province over time as resources and security allowed. iTSCi works closely with our partners in the government to put in place the...